Learn about the features of Sentry's Android SDK.
Sentry's Android SDK enables automatic reporting of errors and exceptions, and identifies performance issues in your application. The below, is a list of features that are available as part of this SDK.
Already using Sentry for Android? Here are some recent highlights
We released Performance-V2, a set of experimental features to give you more details about app start performance and frame delay on a span level.
We released Source Context, which shows snippets of code around the location of stack frames.
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- Native Development Kit (NDK), the set of tools that allows you to use C and C++ with Android.
- Events enriched with device data.
- Offline caching. (If a device is offline, we'll send a report once the application has been restarted.)
- Automatic breadcrumbs for:
- Android activity lifecycle events.
- Application lifecycle events.
- System events such as: low battery, low storage space, airplane mode started, shutdown, changes of the configuration, and so forth.
- Application component callbacks.
- User Interactions such as: view click, scroll, swipe, and so on.
- Android fragment lifecycle events.
- OkHttp requests.
- Apollo requests.
- Timber logs.
- Navigation destination changes.
- Release health, tracking crash-free users and sessions.
- Attachments that can enrich your event by storing additional files, such as config or log files.
- User Feedback, providing the ability to collect user information when an event occurs.
- Tracing that can track:
- Android activity transactions.
- User interaction transactions such as: view click, scroll, swipe, and so on.
- Navigation transactions.
- Android fragment spans.
- Cold and warm app starts.
- Slow and frozen frames.
- OkHttp request spans.
- SQLite and Room query spans.
- File I/O spans.
- Apollo request spans.
- Distributed tracing through OkHttp and Apollo integrations.
- Application Not Responding (ANR), reported if the application is blocked for more than five seconds.
- HTTP Client Errors.
- Screenshot attachments for errors.
- View Hierarchy attachments for errors.
- Code samples provided in both Kotlin and Java (since the Android SDK uses both languages).
- A sample application for our Android users.