Performance Monitoring

With performance monitoring, you can track, analyze, and debug your application's performance. Sentry helps you identify performance opportunities and trace issues back to poorly performing code.

To make it easier to see what's relevant for you, Sentry's Performance landing page is now being split into separate Frontend, Backend, Mobile, and AI performance pages. They can all be found in the Insights tab.

With performance monitoring, Sentry tracks application performance, measuring metrics like throughput and latency, and displaying the impact of errors across multiple services. Sentry captures distributed traces consisting of transactions and spans to measure individual services and operations within those services.

Learn more about traces in the full Tracing documentation.

The Performance page is the main view in where you can search or browse for transaction data. A transaction represents a single instance of an activity you want to measure or track, such as a page load, page navigation, or an asynchronous task. The page displays graphs that visualize transactions or trends, as well as a table where you can view relevant transactions and drill down to get more information about them.

Performance homepage with All Transactions tab selected.

Using the information on this page, you can trace issues back through services (for instance, frontend to backend) to identify poorly performing code. You'll be able to determine whether your application performance is getting better or worse, see if your last release is running more slowly than previous ones, and identify specific services that are slow. Once you've found the cause of the problem, you'll be able to address the specific code that’s degrading performance.

The Performance page provides you with several filter and display options so that you can focus on the performance data that's most important to you. You can use the project, environment, and date filters to customize the information displayed on the page, including what's shown in the widgets and transactions table. You can also search to find and filter for the specific transactions you want to investigate.

The trends view allows you to see transactions that have had significant performance changes over time. This view is ideal for insights about transactions with large counts.

When you find a transaction of interest, you can investigate further by going to its Transaction Summary page. Every transaction has a summary view that gives you a better understanding of its overall health. With this view, you'll find graphs, instances of these events, stats, facet maps, related errors, and more.

The summary page for Frontend transactions has a "Web Vitals" tab, where you can see a detailed view of the Web Vitals associated with the transaction. You can also access a Transaction Summary page from the transactions table on the Performance page.

There are several types of metrics that you can visualize in the graphs, such as Apdex, Transactions Per Minute, P50 Duration, and User Misery to get a full understanding of how your software is performing.

Issue and Event Quotas

Your quota is consumed by events or traces, not issues. Performance issues are generated from your accepted transactions, which doesn't directly impact your quota. Performance transaction events use transactions, which does directly impact your quota. Sentry provides tools to control the type and number of error and transaction events that are accepted. Learn more in Quota Management.

If your application is configured for Performance Monitoring, Sentry will detect common performance problems, and group them into issues just like it does with errors. Performance issues help to surface performance problems in your application and provide a workflow for resolving them. Learn more about performance issues.