Issue Link

Learn about the issue link UI component.

With an issue linking UI component, you can connect Sentry issues with a task in your project management system. This functionality provides a way to use any project management tool you use or develop.

The issue link component displays with the text "Link <Service> Issue" in the Issue Details sidebar:

Issue linking sidebar showing Shortcut icon.

Clicking the link opens a modal allowing the user to create or link the issue to a task in the external service: Sentry modal that creates a Shortcut Story that's linked to a Sentry issue.

When an external issue is created or linked in, a display name is shown that links back to the service where it was either created or linked. The display name is composed of two pieces: the project and the identifier. A hash (#) connects each piece. Here's an example of what it looks like in

Sentry's sidebar button illustrating that an issue is linked.

  "elements": [
      "type": "issue-link",
      "link": {
        "uri": <String>,
        "required_fields": <Array<FormField>>,
        "optional_fields": <Array<FormField>>
      "create": {
        // Same as "link" schema

  • uri - (Required) The URI to request when the User submits the Link/Create Issue form. Check out our URI Guidelines documentation for formatting help.
  • required_fields - (Required) List of FormField components the User is required to complete.
  • optional_fields - (Optional) List of FormField components the User may complete.

  "elements": [
      "type": "issue-link",
      "link": {
        "uri": "/sentry/issues/link",
        "required_fields": [
            "type": "select",
            "label": "Issue",
            "name": "issue_id",
            "uri": "/sentry/issues"
      "create": {
        "uri": "/sentry/issues/create",
        "required_fields": [
            "type": "text",
            "label": "Title",
            "name": "title"
        "optional_fields": [
            "type": "select",
            "label": "Owner",
            "name": "owner",
            "uri": "/sentry/members",
            "async": true

When a user attempts to create or link an issue, we will send a request to your service based on the provided uri. We send a POST request, so all the information is stored in the body.

  "fields": <Object>,
  "installationId": <String>,
  "issueId": <String>,
  "webUrl": <String>,
  "project": {"slug": <String>, "id": <String>},
  "actor": {"type": "user", "name": <String>, "id": <String>},

  • fields - Key/value pairs of the data in the form fields
  • installationId - The ID of the installation associated with the request
  • issueId - The ID of the issue in Sentry
  • webUrl - The URL of the issue in Sentry
  • project
    • slug - The slug of the project in Sentry
    • id - The ID of the project in Sentry
  • actor
    • name - The name of the user in Sentry
    • id - The ID of user in Sentry

When creating or linking an issue, the response format must have the following schema:

  "webUrl": <String>,
  "project": <String>,
  "identifier": <String>,

  • webUrl- The URL of the linked issue in your project management system
  • project- The first part of the displayed issue that should probably be associated with a project in your system
  • identifier- The second part of the displayed issue that should be unique to the project