UI Components
Learn more about Sentry's integration platform User Interface (UI) components.
We've built an example application to help you get started with building on Sentry's integration platform! Check it out for useful code snippets for adding these features in Python and TypeScript. See the docs for more information.
The Sentry integration platform provides developers with the ability to define components to render within specific parts of sentry.io, through a JSON-based schema.
You can define the following components:
- Issue Link (uses FormField components)
- Alert Rule Actions (uses FormField components)
- Stack Trace Link
The UI components are specified in the schema section of the integration details. The required form of this schema is:
"elements": [
// Component schemas to be used by the integration
// e.g. { "type": "alert-rule-action", ... }
The uri
keys in your schema elements describe the URI path that will receive a request from that UI component. Sentry will append the path in the uri
field onto the host of your integration's webhook URL. For example, if the webhook URL is https://example.com/webhook/
, and your schema's uri
attribute is /alerts/
, then the integration will receive requests to https://example.com/alerts/
Component rendering either 100% works or shows nothing. To protect the integration from looking chaotic due to errors we have no control over, if any part of the third-party component rendering fails, nothing will render.
If there is an error in an issue linking component, the link will be disabled.