Time Range Changes

Learn about how Sentry recalculates the value of crash-free users or crash-free sessions if you change the time range.

When you change the date range in Releases, Sentry recalculates the values. Sentry doesn't provide the average value of the daily crash-free users or daily crash-free sessions, but the actual value of those metrics calculated for the selected time period. Therefore, the number can change significantly based on the selected time range.

For example, you have seven users that are using your application for seven days and each day one of them experiences a crash. If you select the 24-hour time range, the Releases page will show you that every day there were 85.7% crash-free users on the release.

By contrast, if you have the same conditions but you select the seven-day time range, by the end of the week, the Releases page will show you that there were 0% crash-free users on the release.