Metrics Settings

Learn how to manage your metrics and their associated tags directly in Sentry.

The Metrics settings page allows you to see and manage the metrics emitted within a project all in one place. You can access it by navigating to your project settings and selecting Metrics from the left sidebar.

Metric Settings

On the Metrics settings page you can see a list of active metrics being emitted for your project. For each metric, you can see:

  • the type (counter, gauge, distribution or set)
  • the unit (e.g. second, millisecond, bytes, etc)
  • the cardinality

Team Admins and users with Manager or Owner privileges within your organization also have the ability disable a metric by clicking on "Disable". This will block the further ingestion of a metric and make it inaccessible in Metrics, Alerts and Dashboards. This can be useful when a metric is no longer desired or has been misconfigured, but it's not immediately possible to stop emitting it on all clients.

Clicking on a metric takes you to the Metric Details page. Here, you can see further details about the individual metric such as:

  • the observed volume in the last 30 days
  • the associated tags
  • the location in your code where the metric is emitted

Metric Details

Team Admins and users with Manager or Owner privileges within your organization also have the ability disable a tag by clicking on "Disable". This will block the further ingestion of that particular tag on this metric and make it inaccessible in Metrics, Alerts, and Dashboards. This can be useful when a tag is no longer desired or has been misconfigured, but it's not immediately possible to stop emitting it on all clients.

The Metric Details page can also be accessed directly from the Metrics Explorer page, by clicking the 3 dot menu icon next to your query.

Metric Settings Query