Learn more about how to set up Sentry to take screenshots when an error occurs. The screenshot will be paired with the original event, giving you additional insight into issues.
Sentry makes it possible to automatically take a screenshot and include it as an attachment when a user experiences an error, an exception or a crash.
This feature is only available for SDKs with a user interface, like the ones for mobile and desktop applications. It's also limited by whether taking a screenshot is possible or not. For example, in some environments, like native iOS, taking a screenshot requires the UI thread, which often isn't available in the event of a crash. Another example where a screenshot might not be available is when the event happens before the screen starts to load. So inherently, this feature is a best effort solution.
Because screenshots may contain PII, they are an opt-in feature. You can enable screenshots as shown below:
Using the editor menu in Project Settings > Plugins > Sentry:
Or, like so, if you're configuring things programatically:
USentrySettings* Settings = FSentryModule::Get().GetSettings();
Settings->AttachScreenshot = true;
Currently, this feature is supported for Windows and Linux only.
Since the Unreal Engine SDK consists of multiple SDKs, the specific mechanism with which a screenshot is captured will vary depending on where the error originated.
- On Windows/Linux, errors from within your game will be captured using the Unreal Engine API. This means that screenshots will only contain what's visible within your game. Any overlays on top of your game won't be visible.
- On Apple/Android, screenshots will be captured using platform APIs. If you're using a native plugin to display an overlay and an error occurs, the SDK will try to capture a screenshot that contains the overlay.
Screenshots may contain PII. For example, if your game has a registration form and an error occurs while the form is being displayed.
Once you've clicked on the event ID of a specific issue, you'll be able to see an overview of all the attachments as well as associated events in the "Attachments" tab.