
Learn how to configure your SDK to tell Sentry about your environments.

Environments in Sentry let you know where an error occurred, (such as in production, staging server, or another location). They make it easier to filter issues, releases, and user feedback on the Issue Details page, (which you can navigate to by clicking any issue on the Issues page). To learn more, read our docs about using environments.

Sentry automatically creates an environment when it receives an event with the environment parameter set.

When running inside the Unreal Engine Editor, the SDK reports the environment as Editor. For shipping builds, it defaults to Release. In other configurations it uses the FApp::GetBuildConfiguration(). You can also set the default environment to Release, Development, or Debug in your build configuration, or override it programmatically.

FConfigureSettingsDelegate SettingsDelegate;
SettingsDelegate.BindDynamic(this, &USomeClass::HandleSettingsDelegate);

void USomeClass::HandleSettingsDelegate(USentrySettings* Settings)
    Settings->Environment = FString(TEXT("MyEnvironment"));


USentrySubsystem* SentrySubsystem = GEngine->GetEngineSubsystem<USentrySubsystem>();


Important things to note about environments:

  • Environment names are case-sensitive.
  • Names cannot include new lines, spaces, or forward slashes.
  • Certain strings, like "None", aren't allowed.
  • The maximum length for an environment name is 64 characters.
  • Environments can't be deleted, but can be hidden if no longer needed.