Custom Instrumentation

On this page you will learn how to manually propagate trace information into and out of your Rust application.

To obtain trace headers from a span, use the iter_headers() method. Then pass these to the downstream service. If the communication happens over HTTP, it is recommended to attach all headers to the outgoing HTTP request.

For example when using the reqwest crate:

let client = reqwest::Client::new();

let mut request = client.get("downstream-url");
if let Some(span) = sentry::configure_scope(|scope| scope.get_span()) {
    for (k, v) in span.iter_headers() {
        request = request.header(k, v);

let response = request.send().await?;

To create a span as a continuation of the trace retrieved from the upstream service, pass an iterator of the incoming headers to the transaction context:

// This needs to be a `impl Iterator<Item = (&str, &str)>` of header key/value pairs.
let headers = request.headers();
let tx_ctx = sentry::TransactionContext::continue_from_headers(
    "transaction name",
let transaction = sentry::start_transaction(tx_ctx);

For usage with the tower crate, the SentryHttpLayer handles trace continuations automatically when constructed via SentryHttpLayer::with_transaction().