

要捕获针对您组织需求定制的事务和跨度,您必须首先 设置追踪。

要为代码的某些部分添加 instrumentation,您可以创建事务来捕获它们。

以下示例为包含昂贵操作(例如 expensive_operation)的范围创建一个事务,并将结果发送到 Sentry:

// Setup context for the full transaction
$transactionContext = \Sentry\Tracing\TransactionContext::make()
    ->setName('Example Transaction')

// Start the transaction
$transaction = \Sentry\startTransaction($transactionContext);

// Set the current transaction as the current span so we can retrieve it later

// Setup the context for the expensive operation span
$spanContext = \Sentry\Tracing\SpanContext::make()

// Start the span
$span1 = $transaction->startChild($spanContext);

// Set the current span to the span we just started

// Calling expensive_operation()

// Finish the span

// Set the current span back to the transaction since we just finished the previous span

// Finish the transaction, this submits the transaction and it's span to Sentry

下一个示例包含上一节代码片段中调用的假设 expensive_operation 函数的实现。但这次我们使用 trace 函数来创建一个新的 span 并将其设置为当前 span,从而减少了大量样板代码。

您可以选择 opdescription 的值。

function expensive_operation(): void
    $spanContext = \Sentry\Tracing\SpanContext::make()
        ->setDescription('This is a description');

    \Sentry\trace(function () {
        // Do the expensive operation...
    }, $spanContext);

您也可以手动执行此操作,如果您希望对 span 的创建有更多控制。

function expensive_operation(): void
    $parent = \Sentry\SentrySdk::getCurrentHub()->getSpan();
    $span = null;

    // Check if we have a parent span (this is the case if we started a transaction earlier)
    if ($parent !== null) {
        $context = \Sentry\Tracing\SpanContext::make()
            ->setDescription('This is a description');
        $span = $parent->startChild($context);

        // Set the current span to the span we just started

    try {
        // Do the expensive operation...
    } finally {
        // We only have a span if we started a span earlier
        if ($span !== null) {

            // Restore the current span back to the parent span

此代码检查是否存在父 span,如果存在,则创建一个新的 span 并将其设置为当前 span。然后我们调用昂贵的操作。最后,我们完成该 span 并将当前 span 恢复为父 span。

在需要将 spans 附加到正在进行的事务时,可以使用当前 hub 上的 getTransaction() 方法。如果设置了事务,则此属性将返回一个 \Sentry\Tracing\Transaction;否则,返回 null

$transaction = \Sentry\SentrySdk::getCurrentHub()->getTransaction();

if ($transaction !== null) {
    $context = \Sentry\Tracing\SpanContext::make();
    $span = $transaction->startChild($context);

    // ...



$transactionContext = \Sentry\Tracing\TransactionContext::make()
    ->setName('Example Transaction');

$transaction = \Sentry\startTransaction($transactionContext);

// A transaction is a span so we set it using `setSpan`

在需要将 spans 附加到正在进行的 span 时,可以使用当前 hub 上的 getSpan() 方法。如果设置了 span,则此属性将返回一个 \Sentry\Tracing\Span;否则,返回 null。您也可以在启动 span 后设置当前 span,并在 span 结束后将其恢复为父 span。

$parentSpan = \Sentry\SentrySdk::getCurrentHub()->getSpan();

if ($parentSpan !== null) {
    $context = \Sentry\Tracing\SpanContext::make()
    $span = $parentSpan->startChild($context);

    // Set the span we just started as the current span

    // ...


    // Restore the span back to the parent span


// Create a transaction and assign data attributes...
$transactionContext = \Sentry\Tracing\TransactionContext::make()
    ->setName('Example Transaction')
        'data_attribute_1' => 42,
        'data_attribute_2' => true,
$transaction = \Sentry\startTransaction($transactionContext);
// ... or create a span and assign data attributes

$spanContext = \Sentry\Tracing\SpanContext::make()
        'data_attribute_1' => 42,
        'data_attribute_2' => true,


$transaction = \Sentry\SentrySdk::getCurrentHub()->getTransaction();
if ($transaction !== null) {
        'data_attribute_1' => 42,
        'data_attribute_2' => true,

$span = \Sentry\SentrySdk::getCurrentHub()->getSpan();
if ($span !== null) {
        'data_attribute_1' => 42,
        'data_attribute_2' => true,