
了解如何将 Sentry 与 LaunchDarkly 配合使用。

LaunchDarkly 集成会跟踪由 LaunchDarkly SDK 生成的功能标志评估。这些评估保存在内存中,并在发生错误时发送到 Sentry 进行审查和分析。目前,我们仅支持布尔标志评估。 此集成在 Sentry SDK 版本 8.43.0 或更高版本 中可用。

Import names: Sentry.launchDarklyIntegration and Sentry.buildLaunchDarklyFlagUsedHandler

Before using this integration, you need to install and instrument the LaunchDarkly SDK in your app. Learn more by reading LaunchDarkly's docs.

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/angular";
import * as LaunchDarkly from "launchdarkly-js-client-sdk";

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [Sentry.launchDarklyIntegration()],

const ldClient = LaunchDarkly.initialize(
  { kind: "user", key: "my-user-context-key" },
  { inspectors: [Sentry.buildLaunchDarklyFlagUsedHandler()] },

// Evaluate a flag with a default value. You may have to wait for your client to initialize first.
ldClient?.variation("test-flag", false);

Sentry.captureException(new Error("Something went wrong!"));

访问 Sentry 网站并确认您的错误事件已记录功能标志 "test-flag" 及其值 "false"。