Scope & Breadcrumbs

The Java SDK implements the idea of a “scope” to support attaching additional information to events, such as breadcrumbs. A scope may refer to a single request to a web framework, to the entire lifetime of an Android application, or something else that better suits your application’s needs.

Breadcrumbs can be used to describe actions that occurred in your application leading up to an event being sent. For example, whether external API requests were made, or whether a user clicked on something in an Android application. By default the last 100 breadcrumbs per scope will be stored and sent with future events.

The user can be set per scope so that you know who was affected by each event.

Once a Sentry instance has been initialized you can begin setting state in the current scope.

import io.sentry.Sentry;
import io.sentry.protocol.User;

public class MyClass {

  public void example() {
    // Note that all fields set on the scope are optional. Scope data is copied onto
    // all future events in the current scope.

    // Set the current user in the scope.
    Sentry.configureScope(scope -> {
      User user = new User();

    // Record a breadcrumb in the scope.
    Sentry.addBreadcrumb("User did something specific again!");

    // Add extra data to future events in this scope.
    Sentry.configureScope(scope -> {
      scope.setExtra("extra", "thing");

    // Add an additional tag to future events in this scope.
    Sentry.configureScope(scope -> {
      scope.setTag("tagName", "tagValue");

    // Send an event with the scope data attached.
    Sentry.captureMessage("New event message");