Releases & Health

Learn how to configure your SDK to tell Sentry about your releases.

A release is a version of your code that is deployed to an environment. When you give Sentry information about your releases, you can:

  • Determine issues and regressions introduced in a new release
  • Predict which commit caused an issue and who is likely responsible
  • Resolve issues by including the issue number in your commit message
  • Receive email notifications when your code gets deployed

Include a release ID (often called a "version") when you initialize the SDK.

The release name cannot:

  • contain newlines, tabulator characters, forward slashes(/) or back slashes(\)
  • be (in their entirety) period (.), double period (..), or space ( )
  • exceed 200 characters

The value can be arbitrary, but we recommend either of these naming strategies:

  • Semantic Versioning: package@version or package@version+build (for example,
    • package is the unique identifier of the project/app (CFBundleIdentifier on iOS, packageName on Android)
    • version is the semver-like structure <major>.<minor?>.<patch?>.<revision?>-<prerelease?> (CFBundleShortVersionString on iOS, versionName on Android)
    • build is the number that identifies an iteration of your app (CFBundleVersion on iOS, versionCode on Android)
  • Commit SHA: If you use a version control system like Git, we recommend using the identifying hash (for example, the commit SHA, da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709). You can let Sentry CLI automatically determine this hash for supported version control systems. Learn more in our Sentry CLI documentation.

Releases are global per organization; prefix them with something project-specific for easy differentiation.

The behavior of a few features depends on whether a project is using semantic or time-based versioning.

  • Regression detection
  • release:latest

We automatically detect whether a project is using semantic or time-based versioning based on:

  • If ≤ 2 releases total: we look at most recent release.
  • If 3-9 releases (inclusive): if any of the most recent 3 releases is semver, project is semver.
  • If 10 or more releases: if any of the most recent 3 releases is semver, and 3 out of the most recent 10 releases is semver, then the project is semver.

import Sentry

SentrySDK.start { options in
    options.releaseName = "io.example.MyApp@1.0.0"

If no release name is set, the SDK creates a default combined from CFBundleIdentifier, CFBundleShortVersionString, and CFBundleVersion, for example

How you make the release name (or version) available to your code is up to you. For example, you could use an environment variable that is set during the build process or during initial start-up.

Setting the release name tags each event with that release name. We recommend that you tell Sentry about a new release before sending events with that release name, as this will unlock a few more features. Learn more in our Releases documentation.

If you don't tell Sentry about a new release, Sentry will automatically create a release entity in the system the first time it sees an event with that release ID.

After configuring your SDK, you can install a repository integration or manually supply Sentry with your own commit metadata. Read our documentation about setting up releases for further information about integrations, associating commits, and telling Sentry when deploying releases.

Monitor the health of releases by observing user adoption, usage of the application, percentage of crashes, and session data. Release health will provide insight into the impact of crashes and bugs as it relates to user experience, and reveal trends with each new issue through the Release Details graphs and filters.

Crash reporting and app hang detection are not available for watchOS.

In order to monitor release health, the SDK sends session data.

A session represents the interaction between the user and the application. Sessions contain a timestamp, a status (if the session was OK or if it crashed), and are always linked to a release. Most Sentry SDKs can manage sessions automatically.

To benefit from the health data, you must use at least version 5.0.0 of the Cocoa SDK and enable the it in the initialization options of the SDK. Release health is captured, by default, in version 6.0 and higher, unless you specifically disabled collecting it in the initialization options for the SDK.

By default, the session is terminated once the application is in the background for more than 30 seconds. You can change the time out with the option named sessionTrackingIntervalMillis. It takes the amount in milliseconds. For example, to configure it to be 60 seconds:

import Sentry

SentrySDK.start { options in
    options.dsn = ""
    options.sessionTrackingIntervalMillis = 60000

If you'd like to opt out of this feature, you can do so using options:

import Sentry

SentrySDK.start { options in
    options.dsn = ""
    // If you prefer NOT to track release health.
    options.enableAutoSessionTracking = false