Default Context
The Android SDK automatically enriches context with additional information about the device, system, and release version of your application.
The Android SDK automatically enriches context with additional information about the device, system, and release version of your application.
Default Android context helps correlate errors with factors such as specific device types and releases so that you can find the root cause of the problem faster.
Used SDK
- Name
- Version
Operating system
- Name
- Version
- Kernel version
- Whether the application was rooted
Package info
- Start time of the application
- Bundle name
- Bundle ID
- Version
- Build
- Whether the application is sideloaded
- Application permissions (which ones were granted and which weren't)
Memory size
- Total available memory on the device
- Free memory at the moment
- Whether the memory was low
- Total storage size
- Free storage size
- Total external storage size
- Free external storage size
Device Info
- Manufacturer
- Brand
- Model
- Model ID
- Whether the phone was online during the error/crash
- Supported architectures
- Boot time
- Connection Type
Battery Level
- Whether the Device is being charged at the moment
- Battery temperature in Celsius
Screen info
- Orientation of the screen
- Screen density
- Screen DPI
- Height pixels
- Width pixels
Emulator indicator
- Whether the device is an emulator
- Timezone (e.g. Europe/Vienna)
- Locale (e.g. en_US)