
Learn more about Sentry's integration platform issue webhooks.

Sentry integrations that have subscribed to issue webhooks can receive information about an issue being created and changing state.

'Sentry-Hook-Resource': 'issue'

  • type: string
  • description: can be created, resolved, assigned, archived, or unresolved

  • type: object
  • description: the issue

  • type: string
  • description: the api url for the issue

  • type: string
  • description: the web url for the issue

  • type: string
  • description: the api url to the project the issue is a part of

Payload includes additional information about the issue. Some important fields to pay attention to are:

Some issue webhooks are triggered on status change of an issue. An issue status can be resolved, unresolved, or ignored (archived).

A status can mean multiple things, so substatus gives more details about the status. For example, an issue status can change to unresolved because it is now escalating or because a resolved issue is regressed. Possible substatuses are: archived_until_escalating, archived_until_condition_met, archived_forever, escalating, ongoing, regressed and new.

statusDetails includes more detailed information about resolved and archived status changes on an issue. These details can include:

  • inRelease: The release that the resolution is in (for example, latest)
  • inNextRelease: True if the resolution will be in the next release
  • inCommit: Includes information about the resolution commit (such as repository and commit)
  • ignoreCount: Maximum number of occurences in for an archived issue before it gets escalated
  • ignoreWindow: Used with ignoreCount indicating the number of minutes that ignoreCount occurences will be ignored
  • ignoreUserCount: Maximun number of users who are affected by an archived issue before it gets escalated
  • ignoreUserWindow: Used with ignoreUserCount indicating the number of minutes that ignoreUserCount affected users will be ignored
  • ignoreDuration: The duration (in minutes) that an archived issue should be ignored before it gets escalated. Increase in the number of users affected or the number of occurences will not escalate before this duration has passed unless there is a spike. To learn more about how this works, see Escalating Issues Algorithm.
  "action": "created",
  "actor": {
    "id": "sentry",
    "name": "Sentry",
    "type": "application"
  "data": {
    "issue": {
      "annotations": [],
      "assignedTo": null,
      "count": "1",
      "culprit": "?(runner)",
      "firstSeen": "2019-08-19T20:58:37.391000Z",
      "hasSeen": false,
      "id": "1170820242",
      "isBookmarked": false,
      "isPublic": false,
      "isSubscribed": false,
      "lastSeen": "2019-08-19T20:58:37.391000Z",
      "level": "error",
      "logger": null,
      "metadata": {
        "filename": "/runner",
        "type": "ReferenceError",
        "value": "blooopy is not defined"
      "numComments": 0,
      "permalink": null,
      "platform": "javascript",
      "project": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "front-end",
        "platform": "",
        "slug": "front-end"
      "shareId": null,
      "shortId": "FRONT-END-9",
      "status": "unresolved",
      "statusDetails": {},
      "subscriptionDetails": null,
      "substatus": "escalating",
      "title": "ReferenceError: blooopy is not defined",
      "type": "error",
      "userCount": 1
  "installation": {
    "uuid": "a8e5d37a-696c-4c54-adb5-b3f28d64c7de"