Issue Alerts
Learn more about Sentry's integration platform issue alert webhooks.
Sentry integrations which have been made available as alert rule actions can receive issue alert webhooks.
The interactive demo below shows how to set up an internal integration that can receive issue alerts.
'Sentry-Hook-Resource': 'event_alert'
- type: string
- description: will always be
- type: object
- description: the event that triggered the alert rule
- type: string
- description: the API URL for the event
- type: string
- description: the web url for the event
- type: string
- description: the API URL for the associated issue
- type: string
- description: the id of the issue
- type: string
- description: the label of the rule that was triggered
The following two fields are for alert rule action UI components only.
- type: string
- description: the label of the rule that was triggered
- type: object
- description: the saved configurations for routing the alert within the external service
"action": "triggered",
"actor": {
"id": "sentry",
"name": "Sentry",
"type": "application"
"data": {
"event": {
"_ref": 1,
"_ref_version": 2,
"contexts": {
"browser": {
"name": "Chrome",
"type": "browser",
"version": "75.0.3770"
"os": {
"name": "Mac OS X",
"type": "os",
"version": "10.14.0"
"culprit": "?(<anonymous>)",
"datetime": "2019-08-19T21:06:17.677000Z",
"dist": null,
"event_id": "e4874d664c3540c1a32eab185f12c5ab",
"exception": {
"values": [
"mechanism": {
"data": {
"message": "heck is not defined",
"mode": "stack",
"name": "ReferenceError"
"description": null,
"handled": false,
"help_link": null,
"meta": null,
"synthetic": null,
"type": "onerror"
"stacktrace": {
"frames": [
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"colno": 10866,
"context_line": "{snip} e(a.old),,e(,b),setTimeout(function(){c&&c();for(var b,\"iframe\"),e=d.length,f=0, {snip}",
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"function": null,
"image_addr": null,
"in_app": false,
"instruction_addr": null,
"lineno": 1,
"module": "prod/runner-4.1.7",
"package": null,
"platform": null,
"post_context": null,
"pre_context": null,
"raw_function": null,
"symbol": null,
"symbol_addr": null,
"trust": null,
"vars": null
"abs_path": "",
"colno": 13924,
"context_line": "{snip} e){i._raw(\"error\",e&&e.stack?e.stack:a+\" (line \"+c+\")\")},c.write(f),c.close(),b.postMessage(\"complete\"),k.wrap(e,a.options)})},b[\"console:ru {snip}",
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"function": null,
"image_addr": null,
"in_app": false,
"instruction_addr": null,
"lineno": 1,
"module": "prod/runner-4.1.7",
"package": null,
"platform": null,
"post_context": null,
"pre_context": null,
"raw_function": null,
"symbol": null,
"symbol_addr": null,
"trust": null,
"vars": null
"abs_path": "<anonymous>",
"colno": 5,
"context_line": null,
"data": {
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"filename": "<anonymous>",
"function": null,
"image_addr": null,
"in_app": false,
"instruction_addr": null,
"lineno": 3,
"module": null,
"package": null,
"platform": null,
"post_context": null,
"pre_context": null,
"raw_function": null,
"symbol": null,
"symbol_addr": null,
"trust": null,
"vars": null
"type": "ReferenceError",
"value": "heck is not defined"
"fingerprint": ["{{ default }}"],
"grouping_config": {
"enhancements": "eJybzDhxY05qemJypZWRgaGlroGxrqHRBABbEwcC",
"id": "legacy:2019-03-12"
"hashes": ["29f7ffc4903a8a990408b80a3b4c95a2"],
"issue_url": "",
"issue_id": "1117540176",
"key_id": "667532",
"level": "error",
"location": "<anonymous>",
"logger": "",
"message": "",
"metadata": {
"filename": "<anonymous>",
"type": "ReferenceError",
"value": "heck is not defined"
"platform": "javascript",
"project": 1,
"received": 1566248777.677,
"release": null,
"request": {
"cookies": null,
"data": null,
"env": null,
"fragment": null,
"headers": [
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Safari/537.36"
"inferred_content_type": null,
"method": null,
"query_string": [],
"url": ""
"sdk": {
"integrations": [
"name": "sentry.javascript.browser",
"packages": [
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"version": "5.5.0"
"version": "5.5.0"
"tags": [
["browser", "Chrome 75.0.3770"],
["", "Chrome"],
["handled", "no"],
["level", "error"],
["mechanism", "onerror"],
["os", "Mac OS X 10.14.0"],
["", "Mac OS X"],
["user", "ip:"],
["url", ""]
"time_spent": null,
"timestamp": 1566248777.677,
"title": "ReferenceError: heck is not defined",
"type": "error",
"url": "",
"user": {
"ip_address": ""
"version": "7",
"web_url": ""
"triggered_rule": "Very Important Alert Rule!",
"issue_alert": {
"title": "Very Important Alert Rule!",
"settings": [
"name": "channel",
"value": "#general"
"installation": {
"uuid": "a8e5d37a-696c-4c54-adb5-b3f28d64c7de"