Stack Trace Link

Learn about the stack trace link UI component.

This feature allows you to insert a link within a stack trace frame. The link contains details about the project, the file name, and line number. This can be used to view the file on your service or continue the debugging with a helpful reference:

Example of a stack trace using Rookout.

  "elements": [
      "type": "stacktrace-link",
      "uri": <URI>,

  • uri - (Required) The link destination. Sentry will automatically add the following query params to the link. Check out our URI Guidelines documentation for formatting help.
    • installationId - Your integration's installation ID (helps you determine the requesting Sentry org)
    • projectSlug - slug of the project the issue belongs to
    • filename - full path of the stack frame file
    • lineNo - line number of the stack trace in the file

  "elements": [
      "type": "stacktrace-link",
      "uri": "/stacktrace-redirect"

Any time a component supports a uri attribute, Sentry will make a request to the third-party service using the Base URL or their webhook_url.

For a more complete description of the grammar, see the source code.