
Learn about Sentry's Unleash integrations.

Sentry can track flag evaluations as they happen within your application. Flag evaluations will appear in the "Feature Flag" section of the Issue Details page as a table, with "suspect" flag predictions highlighted in yellow. Learn more about how to interact with feature flag insights within the Sentry UI by reading the Issue Details page documentation.

To set up evaluation tracking, visit one of our supported languages pages:

Sentry can track changes to feature flag definitions and report suspicious feature flag edits.

Enabling Change Tracking is a three-step process. To get started visit the feature-flags settings page in a new tab. Then follow the steps listed below.

  1. Click the "Add New Provider" button.
    • One webhook secret can be registered per provider type.
    • Select Unleash in the dropdown that says "Select a provider".
  2. Register the webhook URL.
    • Go to your Unleash homepage and navigate to the /integrations/ page, which can be found by clicking Integrations on the left-hand sidebar navigation, under the Configure heading.
    • Select the Webhook option. You should be on the /integrations/create/webhook/ page.
    • Copy the provided Sentry webhook URL in settings and paste it into Unleash within their webhook integration UI.
    • Make sure the integration is toggled to Enabled.
  3. Set the Signing Secret.
    • In the Unleash webhook UI, under the Authorization input box, type in any 32-character string to use as your authorization token ("secret"). Keep this string safe and note it down somewhere in case you need it in the future; Unleash will not show you the token once you save the webhook. We recommend not using any sensitive tokens.
    • Copy your authorization token from the Unleash UI and paste it into the input box next to "Secret" in Sentry settings.
  4. Configure your webhook.
    • Under the Events input box, specify which feature flag events you'd like to send to Sentry. We currently support the following events: Supported Unleash events
    • Save the secret by clicking "Add Provider" in Sentry settings.
    • Save the webhook by clicking "Create" in Unleash.

Once saved, Sentry will now accept and authenticate all inbound hooks to your organization's feature flag webhook endpoint.