User Feedback Properties

Learn more about searchable user feedback properties.

User Feedback allows your users to create bug reports so they can let you know about sneaky issues right away. Every report will automatically include related replays, tags, and errors, making fixing the issue dead simple.

You can search by user feedback properties on the User Feedback page.

Below is a list of keys and tokens that can be used in the user feedback search.

Returns user feedback submissions assigned to the defined user(s) or team(s). Values can be a user ID (your email address), me for yourself, none for no assignee, my_teams or #team-name for teams you belong to.

  • Type: team or org user

Name of the browser.

  • Type: string

Brand of the device.

  • Type: string

Family of the device. Typically, the common part of a model name across generations. For example, iPhone, Samsung Galaxy.

  • Type: string

Internal hardware revision to identify the device exactly.

  • Type: n/a

Name of the device.

  • Type: string

Distinguishes build or deployment variants of the same release of an application. For example, the dist can be the build number of an Xcode build or the version code of an Android build.

  • Type: string

The environment that the event was first seen in.

  • Type: string

The feedback ID.

  • Type: UUID

The properties of a user feedback submission. Values can be: unresolved, resolved, assigned, unassigned, linked, or unlinked. The linked and unlinked values return user feedback submissions based on whether they are linked to an external issue tracker or not.

  • Type: status

The severity of the user feedback submissions. If the feedback came in through the crash-report modal then the level is tied to the error experienced by the end-user. For feedback from the user feedback widget, the level is info.

  • Type: string

The name of the operating system.

  • Type: string

Name of the Sentry SDK that sent the event.

  • Type: string

Version of the Sentry SDK that sent the event.

  • Type: string

The finish timestamp of the transaction. Returns events with matching datetime.

  • Type: datetime

The error or transaction name identifier.

  • Type: string

The URL of the page that the feedback is triggered on.

  • Type: string

The user's email address exists only if Sentry received it from the Sentry.setUser SDK option as a tag. This property does not apply to emails entered inside the user feedback widget, which are not searchable.

  • Type: string

Application-specific internal identifier for the user.

  • Type: string

User's IP address. Sentry uses the IP address as a unique identifier for unauthenticated users.

  • Type: string

Username, which is typically a better label than the

  • Type: string