Issue Properties

Learn more about searchable issue properties.

Issues are an aggregate of one or more error events. Searchable issues properties include status, assignment, aggregate counts, and age. You can search by issue properties in the Issues page and in Dashboards in the widget builder, depending on your dataset selection.

Below is a list of keys and tokens that can be used in the issues search.

You'll only need to use query syntax for datetime and relative time searchable property types if you're using the Sentry API.

Returns issues created since the time defined by the value. The syntax is similar to the Unix find command. Supported suffixes: m - minutes, h - hours, d - days, w - weeks. For example, age:-24h returns isssues that are new in the last 24 hours, while age:+12h returns ones that are older than 12 hours. Entering age:+12h age:-24h would return issues created between 12 and 24 hours ago.

  • Type: relative time

Indicates if the app is in the foreground or background. Values are 1/0 or true/false

  • Type: boolean

Returns issues assigned to the defined user(s) or team(s). Values can be a user ID (your email address), me for yourself, none for no assignee, my_teams or #team-name for teams you belong to.

  • Type: team or org user

Returns issues that are assigned to or suggested to be assigned to the defined user(s) or team(s). Suggested assignees are found by matching ownership rules and suspect commits. Values can be a user ID (your email address), me for yourself, none for no assignee/suggestion, my_teams or #team-name for teams you belong to.

  • Type: team or org user

Returns issues bookmarked by the defined user. Values can be your user ID (your email address) or me for yourself.

  • Type: team or org user

CPU architecture

  • Type: string

Brand of the device

  • Type: string

Family of the device. Typically, the common part of a model name across generations. For example, iPhone, Samsung Galaxy.

  • Type: string


  • Type: string

Internal hardware revision to identify the device exactly.

  • Type: n/a

Describes the orientation of the device and can be either portrait or landscape.

  • Type: string

Device screen density in pixels.

  • Type: string

Number of dots per inch of the device screen.

  • Type: string

Device screen height in pixels.

  • Type: string

Device screen width in pixels.

  • Type: string


  • Type: UUID

Distinguishes build or deployment variants of the same release of an application. For example, the dist can be the build number of an Xcode build or the version code of an Android build.

  • Type: string

Indicates whether the user has handled the exception — for example, using try...catch. An error is considered handled if all stack traces handle the error. Values are 1/0 or true/false

  • Type: boolean

Indicates if the error occurred on the main thread. Values are 1/0 or true/false

  • Type: boolean

An object describing the mechanism that created this exception.

  • Type: array

The type of exception. For example, ValueError.

  • Type: array

The inversion of error.handled.

  • Type: boolean

Original value of a field that causes or exhibits the error.

  • Type: array

Returns issues with matching datetime.

  • Type: datetime

Type of the event (transaction, error, default, csp, and so on). The transaction type is unavailable in Issues.

  • Type: string

Returns issues first seen within the given release. Can be an exact match on the version of a release, or first-release:latest to pick the most recent release.

  • Type: datetime

Returns issues with a matching first time seen. Syntax is the same as age.

  • Type: datetime

Full name of the city

  • Type: string

ISO 3166-1 country code

  • Type: string

Full name of the country

  • Type: string

Returns results with the defined tag or field, but not the value of that tag or field. For example, entering has:user would find events with the user tag.

  • Type: error

HTTP method of the request that created the event.

  • Type: string

Identifies the web page from which the resource was requested.

  • Type: string

HTTP status code, which indicates whether a response was successful. For example, 200 or 404.

  • Type: string

Full URL of the request that caused the error, but without any parameters

  • Type: string

The event or replay id. In Issues, use only the ID value without the id key.

  • Type: UUID

The properties of an issue. Values can be: unresolved, resolved, archived, assigned, unassigned, for_review, linked, or unlinked. The for_review value filters unresolved issues and only shows the recently unresolved or new issues that haven't been marked as "reviewed". The linked and unlinked values return issues based on whether they're linked to an external issue tracker or not.

  • Type: status

The short issue code, for example SENTRY-ABC.

  • Type: string

The category of the issue. For example: error, performance, replay and cron.

  • Type: string

The specific type of issue. For example issue.type:performance_n_plus_one_db_queries returns the n plus one db query performance issues.

  • Type: string

Datetime when the event was last seen. For example, lastSeen:+30d returns issues last seen 30 days ago or more; lastSeen:-2d returns issues last seen within the past two days. This is similar to age.

  • Type: datetime

Severity of the event (such as: fatal, error, warning). Always set to info for transactions.

  • Type: string

Location where the error happened.

  • Type: string

Returns errors with the matching message or transactions with matching transaction name. Also matches on any message containing the supplied value.Searching message:undefined will match an event with a message of undefined is not an object. Raw text searches (searches without the message key) are also checked against this field. For errors, the message can be a concatenatenation of elements, so searches might include unexpected results.

  • Type: string

The internal build revision of the operating system.

  • Type: string

The independent kernel version string. This is typically the entire output of the uname syscall.

  • Type: string

The Linux distribution name. This maps to ID in /etc/os-release/.

  • Type: string

The Linux distribution version. This maps to VERSION_ID in /etc/os-release/.

  • Type: string

Name of the platform

  • Type: string

The name of the project. In some pages of, you can also filter on project using a dropdown.

  • Type: string

The id of the project.

  • Type: number

A release is a version of your code deployed to an environment. You can create a token with an exact match of the version of a release, or release:latest to pick the most recent release. Learn more.

  • Type: string

The number that identifies an iteration of your app. For example, CFBundleVersion on iOS or versionCode on Android. Learn more.

  • Type: number

The unique identifier of the project/app. For example, CFBundleIdentifier on iOS or packageName on Android. Learn more.

  • Type: string

The usage your release is seeing relative to other releases. Values can be adopted, low, or replaced. Learn more.

  • Type: string

A shorter version of the name; name without the package or short version of the hash. Learn more.

  • Type: string

Name of the Sentry SDK that sent the event.

  • Type: string

Version of the Sentry SDK that sent the event.

  • Type: string

The absolute path to the source file. In events, this is an array; in issues, this is a single value.

  • Type: array, single value

The path to the source file relative to the project root directory. In events, this is an array. In issues, this is a single value.

  • Type: array, single value

Name of the function being called. In events, this is an array. In issues, this is a single value.

  • Type: array, single value

Platform-specific module path. For example, sentry.interfaces.Stacktrace. In events, this is an array. In issues, this is a single value.

  • Type: array, single value

The "package" the frame was contained in. Depending on the platform, this can be different things. For C#, it can be the name of the assembly. For native code, it can be the path of the dynamic library or something else. In events, this is an array. In issues, this is a single value.

  • Type: array, single value

Returns results with a matching count. (Same as count() in events.)

  • Type: number

The finish timestamp of the transaction. Returns events with matching datetime.

  • Type: datetime

Title of the error or the transaction name.

  • Type: string

A trace represents the record of the entire operation you want to measure or track — like page load, searched using the UUID generated by Sentry’s SDK.

  • Type: UUID

For transactions, the name of the transaction. For errors, the name of the associated transaction.

  • Type: string

The Unreal Crash Context Type

  • Type: string

An alternative, or addition, to the username. Sentry is aware of email addresses and can therefore display things such as Gravatars and unlock messaging capabilities.

  • Type: string

Application-specific internal identifier for the user.

  • Type: string

User's IP address. Sentry uses the IP address as a unique identifier for unauthenticated users.

  • Type: string

Username, which is typically a better label than the

  • Type: string